Rougail Saucisse

Traditional creole dish from La Réunion island, typically using smoked pork sausages, substituted by vegan sausages here!

Preparation time60 minutes


Author picture
  by Pierre Karampournis



Lentils side dish
Main dish
Cucumber side dish


  1. Rinse lentils (dry or canned, if dry start cooking them in a pot with water early on)
  2. Cut onions in half (from top to bottom) and then in thin slices
  3. Chop garlic and ginger in small chunks
  4. Slice sausages
  5. Dice tomatoes
  6. Cut cucumber in half and cut thin slices
  7. Dice shallots
  1. In a medium-size pot, put the lentils and add water (for canned lentils, water should be slightly above the lentils, for dry, you need at least twice the water). Add thyme and salt, mix and put to medium heat. When it starts boiling turn the heat down to let it simmer until the lentils are cooked. Stir occasionally
  1. Rinse the rice and cook it in your favourite rice cooker (or any other wrong way you may cook your rice)
Main dish
  1. In a large hot pan with a bit of vegetable oil in it, cook the onions at medium heat until they start to become translucent
  2. Add the tumeric, garlic, ginger and cloves powder and stir for a minute or 2
  3. Take about 1/4 of the onion/garlic/ginger mix and add it to the lentils pot
  4. Add the tomatoes, tomato concentrate, vegan sausages and salt to the pan and let it cook with a lid on at a medium to low heat, stirring occasionally
Side dish
  1. Mix the cucumber, shallots, vegetable oil and salt in a bowl, reserve in the fridge while the rest is cooking. Cucumbers will taste better if prepped in advance. For a true creole experience, add hot chilli peppers in this mix (ideally Piment l'oiseau from La Réunion, but do what you can)
  1. Serve on a plate: rice first, then a layer of lentils, topped with a layer of sausages. Guests will add the cucumber on the side to their liking


If the sausages you use are not smoked, you can use a few drops of liquid smoke, or smoked paprika to add this authentic taste. The salt quantities are my best guess, taste and use your own judgment!


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